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What is the plan for this term?



start at 7pm

every Monday: 10/02 - 27/07


£150 (£130 for members who were part of the project the previous term: September - December 2019)


*please, send your payment (10th February the latest) to – LLOYDS BANK

Name: Michaela Bartosk

AN: 22003560

SC: 30-96-88

No refunds on membership fees.

*A Google Drive with all the songs will be sent to you after your transfer*

The project is small and to keep it accessible, presentable and playful, everyone takes responsibility for their own contributions.


A few points below should help us create something extraordinary while keeping the magical spark of enthusiasm and integrity alive. 

Values of the project:

  • to commit to all rehearsals on Mondays,

  • to attend all performances,

  • to practise,

  • to be on time: meeting at 7 pm, starting at 7.05 pm,

  • to use (and be in touch via) WhatsApp, 

  • if you miss any rehearsal - find out if you missed anything new, 

  • to keep the free spirit of the project.

We reserve the right to ask people to leave if they are not able to fully respect the values of the project.

We all are responsible for what the group becomes.

If you already know that you might struggle with any of these commitments above but you still want to be part of the group don't hesitate to reach out and let's find a solution together. 


All Points East Festival

Bandstand at the Victoria Park

Busking in... (Oxford?)

Sunset Sounds at Woodberry Wetlands

more to follow

Our nights-out:


Are you ready for this singing adventure?

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